17 law schools' acceptance rate is between 20% and 30% for 2024 law school admission. The average acceptance rate over all ABA-accredited law school is 42.35%, so the acceptance rate at these schools is relatively low.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 164 and the average GPA is 3.77. Their LSAT score is higher than national average score of 159.
The average tuition & fees at the schools is $53,585. In average, 84.30% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $23,171. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $30,414.
The tuition & fees of the schools is similar to national average of $50,994.

Comparison Table Between 17 Law Schools with Acceptance Rate between 20% and 30%

The following table lists and compare 17 law schools with Acceptance Rate between 20% and 30%. For the schools:
17 Law Schools Acceptance Rate between 20% and 30%
School NameStateAcceptance RateLSAT ScoreTuition & FeesFinancial AidPopulation
The University of Alabama School of LawpublicAL26.62%167$44,470$22,000473
Sandra Day O'Connor College of LawpublicAZ21.28%167$50,317$20,0001,600
James E. Rogers College of LawpublicAZ29.35%163$29,988$24,5002,519
J. Reuben Clark Law SchoolpublicUT28.77%168$30,152$14,636379
Davis School of Law publicCA28.99%165$67,164$25,000718
University of Connecticut School of LawpublicCT29.31%160$62,550$15,177517
Florida International University College of LawpublicFL25.18%160$36,049$10,683591
Florida State University College of LawpublicFL21.12%165$40,705$8,2411,311
Fordham University School of LawpublicNY21.13%167$72,282$31,6001,575
The George Washington University Law SchoolpublicDC28.72%168$69,740$25,0001,870
Golden Gate University-San Francisco School of LawpublicCA22.43%153$56,000$35,000300
William S. Richardson School of LawpublicHI28.80%157$46,588$6,000313
Notre Dame Law SchoolpublicIL24.39%169$68,554$30,000565
Pepperdine University School of LawpublicCA28.18%164$68,046$35,0001,114
Villanova University School of LawpublicPA22.50%164$58,615$35,000777
Wayne State University Law SchoolpublicMI27.41%162$41,388$31,000480
Marshall-Wythe School of LawpublicVA27.31%166$68,329$25,067556